Guide for banana cultivation

Banana is one of the major and economically important food crops 20% of the area among the total area under crop. There is a very fast development in technology and agriculture that result in the development of a tissue culture technique. However, banana farming is labor intensive practice. Banana Producers Companies can be a good source of generating employment and income. 

To get successful in Columbia Banana Suppliers make sure about soil type, temperature, climate, irrigation, fertilizer, field preparation, etc. help in ensuring increasing yield. The following article details banana farming techniques.

1: Requirement of soil

Bananas can be cultivated from the poorest to the richest type of soil. However, well-drained, deep, rich loamy, and salty clay loam soil is best-suitable for growing bananas. It is quite fantastic if the soil has edited fertility and moisture-holding capacity. Before you start farming bananas make sure to get your soil tested.

2: Climate

Generally, bananas grow best in areas with 2500 mm or more of well-distributed rainfall per air. Due to inadequate or irregular rainfall irrigation is needed. As they are susceptible to wind damage, banana plants do best in protected areas. For ripening bananas, the optimum condition needs a temperature of 21°C and 90% relative humidity.

3: Planting

Grow the green manuring crop like dhaincha, cowpea, etc, and bury them in the soil before you plant bananas. The land can be plowed 2-4 times and leveled. During soil preparation, a basal dose of farmyard manure is added and thoroughly mixed into the soil. Prepared with a left to solar radiation that helps in killing harmful insects, is effective against soil-borne diseases, and aids aeration.

4: Irrigation

A banana plant is an evergreen, shallow-rooted plant, hence it requires a large quantity of water. During summer you can irrigate the fail in an interval of 4 to 5 days and during winter at an interval of 7 to 8 days. Avoid irrigating fields during the rainy season as excess water can cause root zone congestion resulting in poor plant health.

5: Fertilizers

They respond well to supplement nutrients as bananas have shallow roots. It can consume a lot of nutrients. This heavy consumption of nutrients helps banana trees for vigorous growth and a high yield of fruit.

Bananas start flowering in 9 to 12 months under ideal conditions. Banana Company Germany exports bananas for chip-making purposes. Depending on the variety, climate, elevation, etc, it takes approximately 4 to 5 months for fruits to mature.


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